Assignment #12
(20 points)

  1. Recreate the following Education Math Game using JavaScript. (20 points)

    Special considerations: When the "Play" button is pressed, two random numbers should be generated and displayed. If the radio button "Beginner" is selected, these random numbers should be between 1 and 10. If the radio button "Advanced" is selected, these random numbers should be between -10 and 10. When the "Verify” command button is pressed, the message “Correct” should be displayed if the values in the textboxes for "Number1" plus "Number2" equals the value in the textbox "Guess". Otherwise, “Incorrect” should be displayed.

  2. Continue reading up on JavaScript.

  3. Challenge yourself. However, if you need some hints, you can view the complete JavaScript code and HTML code.

  4. Upload your work to your YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE. Help.

Grading Rubric
Required Elements Points Possible Does not meet requirements Meets some requirements Meets or exceeds all requirements Your Score
Effectively created an educational math game using JavaScript that meets the requirements above. 20 0 10 20 __/20
Total points __/20