How to Obtain Software Privileges to MS Access

You can obtain software privileges to MS Access (including Microsoft Office "Microsoft 365") in one of the following ways:
  • Visit any of the computer labs on the Tahlequah, Muskogee, or Broken Arrow campus. You should find Microsoft Access installed on every computer.
  • Download the software for FREE directly from Microsoft. Press the "Sign in" button and enter your NSU email address. This email address should end with "". This will take you to the NSU sign in page. Login. Next press "Install and more" and select the option "Install Microsoft 365 apps". Next press "Install Office". This will download a file "OfficeSetup.exe." When you execute the file "OfficeSetup.exe" you can specify to download the software "MS Access".
  • Purchase the software yourself directly from Microsoft. Makes sure MS Access is included.
  • You should also be able to complete the assignments using the NSU Virtual Desktop (Demonstration). Transferring files you create in a virtual setup back to your own computer (or opening files that currently reside on your own computer) can be somewhat challenging. I have found the easiest way to transfer files back and forth is via email.

Note: Microsoft Access is not included in Office for the MAC and will not work under MAC OS.