Final Exam

  (100 points)

Complete Steps 1-5 below.
Students in IS 4293 need to complete Step 4A (but can ignore Step 4B).
Students in IS 5313 or HCA 5423 need to complete Step 4B (but can ignore Step 4A).

1. Multiple Choice Exam (40 points).
Download the file Final Exam. Save this file as "final-exam-name.docx". Where "name" is replaced with your real name. Answer the 40 questions in this document.

2. SQL Quiz (20 points).
Select the link "SQL Quiz" (see red box below) under at W3 Schools. You will have to scroll down to find this link. You can take this quiz as many times as you like. For full credit, continue taking this quiz until you have correctly answered all questions.

Take a screen capture of your monitor (similar to the image below) showing your final score. Insert your screen capture at the end of your document "final-exam-name.docx" that you saved in (Part 1).

3. Entity-Relationship (E-R) Diagram (20 points)
Create an Entity-Relationship (E-R) diagram that models the information below. Insert your E-R diagram at the end of your document "final-exam-name.docx" that you saved in (Part 1).

Assume the following:
  • Each student is assigned one and only one faculty adviser and must have an adviser. One faculty member may advise several students, but faculty members are not required to advise students. Only the fact of this assignment is to be recorded in the data model—not possible related data (such as the date the adviser was assigned to the student).
  • Each student may be assigned one and only one mentor, but students are not required to have a mentor. One mentor may mentor several students, and a person may be listed as a mentor before he or she is actually assigned students to mentor. Only the fact of this assignment is to be recorded in the data model—not possible related data (such as the date the mentor was assigned to the student).
  • Each mentor is assigned to work and coordinate with one and only one faculty member, and each mentor must work with a faculty member. One faculty member may work with several mentors, but faculty members are not required to work with mentors. Only the fact of this assignment is to be recorded in the data model—not possible related data (such as the date the faculty member was assigned to the mentor).
  • Each mentor may be an alumnus, but mentors are not required to be alumni. Alumni cannot, of course, be required to become mentors.

    Hint: Recreate the following diagram adding the appropriate Crow's Foot notation.

4A. For students in IS 4293. (20 points)
Press on "Learning Modules" / "Deadline 9: (Due Monday, December 9, 2024" / "Final Assessment Exam (IS 4293 - CRN 21082)" for this course on NSU Blackboard. This will launch the NSU "Watermark Student Learning and Licensure" (assessment) software application. Answer the 40 multiple choice questions. This assessment is used by NSU educators and the administration to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, and skill acquisition of undergraduate students.

4B. For students in IS 5313 and HCA 5423. (20 points)
Complete the SQL Quiz. This SQL quiz contains 15 questions randomly selected from a pool containing over 500 questions. You can take this quiz as many times as you like. Note: This exam is open book. Feel free to research questions before selecting an answer. For full credit, continue taking this quiz until you have correctly answered 15 questions. Take a screen capture of your monitor (similar to the image below) showing your final score. Insert your screen capture at the end of your document "final-exam-name.docx" that you saved in (Part 1).

5. Upload your file "final-exam-name.docx" to YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE.  Help

Grading Rubric
Required Elements Points Possible Does not meet requirements Meets some requirements Meets or exceeds all requirements Your Score
1. Multiple Choice Exam. 40 0 20 40 __/40
2. SQL Quiz at W3 School. 20 0 10 20 __/20
3. Entity-Relationship (E-R) Diagram. 20 0 10 20 __/20
4. Assessment Exam/SQL Exercises. 20 0 10 20 __/20
Total points __/100