Assignment #7

  (80 points)

  1. Read Chapter #7 "Business Intelligence Systems, Data Warehouses, and Big Data".

  2. Answer 25 Review Questions at the end of the chapter. Your answers must include the page number(s) of where the topic is introduced in the textbook. To provide you an example, I have answered the first question in the link above.

  3. Select the link "SQL Exercises" under "SQL Examples" at W3 Schools. Complete at least 10 categories on SQL. There are between 3 and 9 questions in each catergory. Some of the categories include: Syntax, Select, Select Distinct, Where, Order By, And, Or, Not, Insert Into, Null Values, Update, Delete, Select Top, Min and Max, Count, etc. See "red" ovals below.

    Complete either option A or B below. Attach your screen capture(s) to the end of your Chapter 7 Review Questions.

    1. Take a series of screen captures showing the categories you completed.
    2. Sign up to become a W3Schooler and track your progress. A link to the sign up page can be found at the bottom of the URL above in the section "Log in to track your progress". You will then be able to share one screen capture showing the categories you completed.

  4. Upload your file to YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE.  Help

Grading Rubric
Required Elements Points Possible Does not meet requirements Meets some requirements Meets or exceeds all requirements Your Score
1. Answered the Review Questions at the end of the chapter. (2 points each) 50 0 25 0 __/50
2. Completed at least 10 categories (SQL Exercises) at W3Schools. 30 0 15 30 __/30
Total points __/80