Help Uploading Documents and Images

If using the website, the video Uploading Documents and Images will walk you through the process of uploading MS Word documents, MS Excel files, images, etc.

Help Uploading HTML Content

If using the website, the video Uploading Content will walk you through the process of uploading HTML documents, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript.

While not required, if your HTML code displays differently on the website, you might try:

1. Using a different theme.

2. Placing your code inside a "<div>" tag as shown below.

<div class="paragraph">
Your code

3. Using CSS and the !important rule. When working with a Content Management System (CMS) like Weebly, some of the CSS code associated with the various themes cannot be edited directly. The "!important" rule allows you to override a style that cannot be overridden in any other way.