Final Exam
(60 points)

1. Part A (20 points). Similar to Assignment #2.
Create a "Conversion Calculator" using Microsoft Word and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) similar to the one shown in the image below. The interface can be downloaded from the Final Exam folder. Save your work as "final-exam-A.docm". The "Save as type" should be "Word Macro-Enabled Document (*.docm)". Upload this file to your YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE. Help.

2. Part B (20 points). Similar to Assignment #7.
Create an application using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) similar to the one shown in the image below. When the command button "Highest Sales" is pressed, your code should display the THREE highest sales. The interface can be downloaded from the Final Exam folder. Save your work as "final-exam-B.xlsm". The "Save as type" should be "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)". Upload this file to your YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE. Help.

3. Part C (20 points). Similar to Assignment #14.
Create a document using Google Sheets and Javascript that converts Miles to Kilometers using 1) a formula and 2) a command button. Your document should be similar to the one shown in the image below.
  • Share this file with your instructor:
  • Save your Google Sheets as a Microsoft Excel file "final-exam-c.xlsx".
  • Upload this file to your YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE. Help.