Assignment #3   (20 points)

  1. Watch the video Grade Calculator (CC).

  2. Create a "Grade Calculator" using Microsoft Word and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) similar to the one developed in the video and shown in the image below. The interface can be downloaded from the Assignment #3 folder. Save your work as "assignment3A.docm". The "Save as type" should be "Word Macro-Enabled Document (*.docm)". Upload this file to your YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE. Help.

  3. Watch the video Grade Comparion Calculator (CC)

  4. Create a "Grade Comparison Calculator" using Microsoft Word and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) similar to the one developed in the video and shown in the image below. The interface can be downloaded from the Assignment #3 folder. Save your work as "assignment3B.docm". The "Save as type" should be "Word Macro-Enabled Document (*.docm)". Upload this file to your YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE. Help.

Grading Rubric
Required Elements Points Possible Does not meet requirements Meets some requirements Meets or exceeds all requirements Your Score
Effectively created a "Grade Calculator" using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). When the command button is pressed, your program should 1) display the average of exam one and exam two, 2) indicate whether the student is passing or failing, 3) display the student’s grade, and 4) display either “Yes”, “No”, or “No change” with regards to whether or not the student has improved. 10 0 5 10 __/10
Effectively created a "Grade Comparison Calculator" using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) similar to the application shown above. 10 0 5 10 __/10
Total points __/20